S S Starboard Driger Nov 6, 2011 Yo, dmaster! How are you? Had any luck evading the cops? i herd theiy was comin aftur u 4 smashin this 1 guy fur not givin you sum of hiz chex mix
Yo, dmaster! How are you? Had any luck evading the cops? i herd theiy was comin aftur u 4 smashin this 1 guy fur not givin you sum of hiz chex mix
M M MrGatr Oct 23, 2011 Wait... If it is a beach, why don't we call the... mods; Lifeguards S-mods; Paramedics WPM; Owner ?
D D DNA Oct 20, 2011 dmaster, no worries. by the way, do you plan to show up to SoCal Regs on the 12th or no?
D D DNA Oct 20, 2011 [13:25] <bacon> DNA IS HERE [13:25] <bacon> ALL WE NEED NOW ARE PMJ AND DMASTER [13:25] <bacon> AND WE CAN FORM THE... MEGAZORD come on, let's do this
[13:25] <bacon> DNA IS HERE [13:25] <bacon> ALL WE NEED NOW ARE PMJ AND DMASTER [13:25] <bacon> AND WE CAN FORM THE... MEGAZORD come on, let's do this
Emperor_Gaius Oct 15, 2011 dmaster, oh ok I just read about the change. I agree that yppy games should go though
Emperor_Gaius Oct 15, 2011 hey..if I read the opening page correctly, rpgs or games like werewolf are allowed to stay active/alive. therefore would my mafia game count?
hey..if I read the opening page correctly, rpgs or games like werewolf are allowed to stay active/alive. therefore would my mafia game count?