Teal Jul 4, 2013 WOAH happy birthday! :0 Wooow 18. I remember what I did on the day I turned 18... I went to apply for a summer job. They didn't take me. ;__; Scrafty would be cool. :3 You are the best!
WOAH happy birthday! :0 Wooow 18. I remember what I did on the day I turned 18... I went to apply for a summer job. They didn't take me. ;__; Scrafty would be cool. :3 You are the best!
D D DNA Jul 4, 2013 don()shinobi, Cyber Dragon(or whatever), Flelf, lv3 monster in hand? any monster that spsummons itself easily? maybe a high level low ATK monster to be summoned by Mystic Tomato/Giant Rat/whatever?
don()shinobi, Cyber Dragon(or whatever), Flelf, lv3 monster in hand? any monster that spsummons itself easily? maybe a high level low ATK monster to be summoned by Mystic Tomato/Giant Rat/whatever?
D D DNA Jul 4, 2013 oh dang, it's your birthday today! Sweeeeeeeeet!! Welcome to adulthood; we've been expecting you.
D D DNA Jul 3, 2013 It's not that it's bad; it's that the current format isn't very friendly. To anything.