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  • he deciphered the ad taglines into the actual cards.

    To have maximum power!
    To guide you to victory!
    To shock your opponents!
    To rescue you from the jaws of defeat!
    To be sneaky and devious!

    We already have Hanzo, Rescue Rabbit, and Shock Master confirmed. Those correspond with the last 3.
    To guide us to victory? Obv that's Tour Guide.
    To have maximum power? He's still figuring out that one.
    so I think plat-cofa cracked the code in the tin advertisements

    he thinks the Hanzo tin is going to have Tour Guide in it

    and after hearing his logic I think he's right
    don()shinobi said:
    Bioware was bought by EA. Nobody specifically said it was canceled, but I think I can very safely call it canceled.

    That gave me the idea of "what would happen if EA made a Sonic Game".

    OH GOD

    And to answer your question, I don't remember if I have or not, my friends and I aren't very far due to constant messing around, lol.
    don()shinobi, ah, it was cancelled? I heard they were toying with the idea but I didn't hear it actually got cancelled. Welp whatever, no big loss. It had to be waaaaaaay better than the first one in order to be any good.

    more challenging
    less ear-jarring music
    making Cream a little less overpowered

    you know, stuff like that.
    don()shinobi, ...ah, yes. The sound effects were most annoying, and I think the only musics I liked were the 3rd normal battle theme, the 3rd boss theme, and the final boss theme.

    ...and why they had to put a final boss theme so good into a battle that would not last more than 30 seconds is beyond me... >_<
    Taken straight from the Borderlands wiki:

    One of Zer0's dialogue lines when using Decepti0n ("Hilarious, you've just set off my trap card!") is a reference to the anime Yu-Gi-Oh where characters would often say the same thing when revealing a trap card. The term is also used as an internet meme, usually said after a successful deception of someone else.

    My life has meaning now.
    don()shinobi, Sonic Chronicles? Oh, I played it, and I would have liked it if it wasn't so darn short.
    ...but godtier healer Cream was totally the selling point.

    It was only the second worse experience of the day. Another opponent of mine refused to move unless I would cosplay with him...
    You just became that much more awesome. Playing it later this week with some friends, I can't wait.

    A guy told me that Blue Eyes White Dragon was illegal and called an admin claiming I had hacked the game so I could use a "God Card". xD
    don()shinobi, Nice - How many turns was that
    Haha, true. I ran it in a deck when I first started testing, and it just sat there. In my hand. Doing nothing. Ever.
    Can't really think of anything that uses banished spell cards specifically. Things like Macro Cosmos can banish, sure, but I can't think of anything that runs off of just spells.
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