Okay, here's what I remember from the last vote:
Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Killer.
Number 40: Gimmick Puppet Heaven's Strings.
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max.
Sirius the Blue Dog Star.
There was a Tuner that made the other Synchro Material a Non-Tuner regardless of whether or not it really was one.
And I think there was one or two more.
Two things. One, they are adding more. Two, I thought Number 40 would win because it was another popular choice. So I don't know...
True... I'm just DYING for a Gimmick Puppet to be released and I realize that it will take forever before they actually make one of them in English. Look at the last vote, they voted a Rank 10 through. Now if you ask me, I think a Rank 8 is like fifty times easier to play with all the easy to summon Level 8's.
Ooh, I think I know why
Also, I thought you would have been leaning towards Number 40 for some reason. As long as a Number Card wins I will be happy, but I think they should have gone with someone's suggestion on their website where they pick three and let the members pick what they want from it.