Dork Void
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  • Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you, I was finishing up a 3 page essay. You are so lucky that you got so many, I only got 150. However, the server glitched for me and gave the bonus to me twice so I actually got 300.
    Darn it, that's the deck that I use and the one counter to it also (Except for one guy that destroys items but no one ever uses him). My setup requires all of my allies to remain intact without being attacked because of items/abilities. You'll see when I play you sometime.
    You should make an account so we can play against each other. I already have 2 pretty good decks set up. I didn't pay money, just go to the forum announcements on the website and they have a link for free shadow crystals/exclusive money.
    I can't disagree with the meta part, but Zekrom gives a better MegaZone, Mew, and Gothitelle matchup
    Dark Void' pid='2145530' dateline='1319662399 said:
    Tornadus is the main attacker is a most ZPST decks...anyway, from my battle with ESP, he ran Tornadus as the main attacker and 4 DCE and so I think its safe to assume he will be using them at Regionals. Anyway, Magby is a cool idea since its a 0 retreat basic, which helps, and 1 magby+1 bellsprout doesn't take up nearly as much space as Relicanth and Mew.

    But you beat him, did you not?
    Wanna help win the count game? We need three people and we already have two. Also, did you check that link yet?
    Dark Void,

    Hurrrrrr, uhhh, ewww weekend. Probably wont work, lol :p

    Are you free now or up until 10:30 EST? Im free till then.

    Otherwise, usually any other day of the week works
    You should check out the trading card game that I PM'd you a link for.
    Dark Void, first, any stat caps at 999 and no higher; second, it doesn't matter how fast you are, you cannot outspeed me.
    Alright, I'll pm you with it. Warning, it's going to be somewhat long.
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