Sweet deal. I've been raising quite a few mons, off the top of my head I can give you...
Adamant Azu with Aqua Jet + Belly Drum
Naive Bagon
Adamant Dratini with Extreme Speed
Adamant Heracross with Rock Blast
Modest Mareep with Agility
Bold Sableye with Prankster and Recover
Jolly Absol with Justified and Play Rough (man this thing sucks)
Adamant Magikarp
Modest Goomy
Timid Electrike with Hidden Power Ice
Adamant Mawile
Modest Honedge
Impish Gligar with Poison Heal
Quiet Bulbasaur with Giga Drain
I can give you a couple extra free of charge or whatever. : ) If you have any mons with dream world abilities unobtainable in XY, I'm probably interested.
Week days I am free between 18:00 - 22:00 GMT, weekends variable but I can be around with enough notice given in advance (this weekend prolly won't work).