I've just attempted to post my Werewolf game in the Forum Games section from my Saved drafts, but the thread isn't showing up in the forum, and it has been deleted from my saved drafts.
Has it possibly been deleted altogether?
Some people are person, honestly. I couldn't believe it when I saw it.
Too bad chaos jackal deleted everything, since both CMP and myself had already warned about that.
Hey sorry I haven't been able to Skype or be online at all. The mouse on my computer broke and I'm still trying to find a new one. The connection on my phone is sooooo slow; it shouldn't take two minutes to connect to a page. -.-
And Omaha wants just the Pyroar card from the Corocoro magazine. He'll pay 40% of the cost of the magazine and I'll pay the remaining 60% for the magazine itself and everything else included in it. (Just clarifying that... I know it's in your thread. )