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  • Drohn could you please add me? I'd appreciate it also have no idea what my safari type is sorry, thank you. My code is 1349-6094-8886.
    Drohn, Yeah, we haven't spoken for a while. But I'm back for the Holidays! I'll try to be on more. X and Y is great! I just gotta prepare myself for the Nuzlocke...those Mega Evolving Pokemon are a Fancy threat.

    For English Class I have to keep a journal, it's like a diary. So I've been writing in that, maybe I'll post some more short stories I've written in it on here sometime.
    Drohn, I just don't understand how you can go from a respected, top of the forums member, to a banned member :/
    Hope he didn't do anything to threatening to the forums.
    Because of how bad the teeth were (the bottom ones were coming in SIDEWAYS 0_0) I was put out with meds and an IV. The whole bottom of my face was numb the rest of the day, couldn't feel a thing.

    I'm expected to recover with no problems, though they want regular checkups every other week to be sure.
    Drohn, different :p my pokemon fanfictions aren't usually very good (albeit must were written in elementary school). The first book was called The Dream Prison. I published it on my 16th bday back in march ( natasha-rayne.com is my author website if you want to see more about the book). How're you today?
    I'm tired and my face is swollen. Surgery was rough.
    Was planning on going to a Cities today, but had to skip. :(

    Other then that, I'm fine. Busy breeding things for my trade thread, working on my second chapter for the CMT run, working on a TCG deck and VGC team, ect.
    Drohn, come play hurt/heal with us. It's Psychic this time, and we've only had one major rule change: If it's been 2 hours and there are no hurt/heals, then you may refresh the vote count.

    Drohn, Its a sequel to my first book. It's gonna be called "The Rise of Grimm" Basically its about how the Divine Leader (evil ruler of the Dream World) came to rule the DW as well as a search for finding all of the 12 Councilors (basically the elementals).
    Drohn, Im finally on break from school, which is mostly what I've been up to :p Balancing school, writing my next book, and play practice left no room for hanging out on the internet. BUT, my next book is done (my editor is having at it now), so I can breathe once again :p
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