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  • Drohn, Yeah, I still can't get on. I'm not using any sort of proxy, so I have no idea.
    Drohn, completely forgot to reply to you:

    I'll participate once I get an hour or so to think about my answers.

    Didn't see you on today...
    I'm recruiting people to side with Ferrothorn. Its against Scizor and Registeel... and the vote weights have gone up.
    Dude I am super tired, I have two pieces of coursework due in over the next week BUT on the plus side I quit one of my jobs today because I'm exhausted /complaining.

    How are you? You're heading back home soon aren't you? :)
    Actually, it has been edited recently although it is still quoted in Akwila's post on the last but one page :p
    Cheeky Drohn! Trying to wind me up like that! :p

    I had to nap when I finished work so I'll make my post shortly :p

    Could you possibly use your super powers to clean up the Kalos League thread from mentioning specific Pokemon please? :D
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