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  • I'm ripping my hair apart over a name. And I cannot decide whether I want you to change it again... Or if you are, or if you aren't. Yeah, having you as a middle-man when both myself, SR and you are on... Isn't working especially considering the fact that while I'm PMing you, SR is changing my name, you're telling him not to... And yep, I'm bald.
    Drohn, they had about an hour between. Doesn't matter, it was in a forum you weren't modding so it was probably Elite Stride or Frezgle
    Well I guess that the fact that the site in question is now a removed word, I suppose that I'm not allowed to post the new form onto the leaks/rumors page.

    Xerneas' new form is not much of a change, really. Xerneas's antlers change color to a light blueish and the legs become more of a dark blue. Kinda like White Kyurem/Black Kyurem/Reshiram/Zekrom's overdrive forms.
    Hello, I want to post a picture of Xerneas' new form in the leaks/rumors thread, but it's from *removed*. Can I do that, or is that not allowed?

    Drohn, Life got busy randomly (my editor wanted complete manuscript, plus studying for SAT, plus taking 4 AP courses), but it calmed down today. Which means I can finally get on chat again stating tommorow :D
    > Says he's leaving for class
    > Is still reading X and Y stuff.

    Must be hard to be a mod of X and Y. Before you even get the game, you basically know everything about it.
    Drohn, I think I'm the only person who doesn't care about Hoenn. I want PLATINUM REMAKES (Also, I'm the only person who doesn't think Sinnoh was slow-paced)

    149 posts to go
    I can't wait! Too bad I have a Physics Exam Friday. Oh well, after that it will be smooth sailing! I'm really looking forward to Clauncher. For some reason, I'm the only one of my friends who prefers it over Skrelp. What about you? What Pokemon are you excited for?
    Nice! I'm planning on using Chespin, Litleo, Clauncher, Flabebe, Tyrunt, and Espurr at the moment. I've decided to do without a flying type. That should be fun.
    I'm using Pyroar so I'm trying not to overlap types. That leaves Hawlucha, Talonflame and Noivern. Too bad Noivern is only available really late in the game. I may just go without Fly this year and have an extra space in my party. What is your final team going to be?
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