Machamp The Champion Feb 12, 2014 Emma Watson, You too. I should probably get some more work done today as well. The thing I was working on got deleted and I have to do most of it over again. -.- Night.
Emma Watson, You too. I should probably get some more work done today as well. The thing I was working on got deleted and I have to do most of it over again. -.- Night.
Machamp The Champion Feb 12, 2014 Emma Watson, Done and done.
Machamp The Champion Feb 12, 2014 Emma Watson, Good to know. Haven't tested much of Blastoise, so I'll try Delphox in it when I get the chance.
Emma Watson, Good to know. Haven't tested much of Blastoise, so I'll try Delphox in it when I get the chance.
Machamp The Champion Feb 12, 2014 Emma Watson, Sweet. Better than Rayboar/Delphox? Or about the same?
PsychedelicBreakfast Feb 12, 2014 Yep, I was appointed just a few days ago. Thanks. How have you been?
Machamp The Champion Feb 11, 2014 Emma Watson, I'd prefer you use the same deck.
Emma Watson, I'd prefer you use the same deck.
Machamp The Champion Feb 11, 2014 Okay. Link:
P P PokePhD Feb 11, 2014 Emma Watson, I am well! Very busy with the university and a bit of collecting here and there. How are you doing? How about that collection?
Emma Watson, I am well! Very busy with the university and a bit of collecting here and there. How are you doing? How about that collection?
Machamp The Champion Feb 1, 2014 Emma Watson, Oh, okay. Makes sense. But I'm not gay, so, sorry to disappoint you.
Machamp The Champion Jan 31, 2014 Emma Watson, Uh... Were we mad at each other for something? Well if we were, I sure don't remember it.
Emma Watson, Uh... Were we mad at each other for something? Well if we were, I sure don't remember it.
Machamp The Champion Jan 21, 2014 Emma Watson, I'm here. Here's a link: My deck is ND-LT.
Emma Watson, I'm here. Here's a link: My deck is ND-LT.
Machamp The Champion Jan 21, 2014 Sorry, I was away from my computer for a few hours. Usually if I'm online, I can play. If I'm online, just let me know if you're still interested.
Sorry, I was away from my computer for a few hours. Usually if I'm online, I can play. If I'm online, just let me know if you're still interested.
Machamp The Champion Jan 20, 2014 Emma Watson, If you're still there, I can play. EDIT: This deck is ND-LT. If you want an XY match, let me know.
Emma Watson, If you're still there, I can play. EDIT: This deck is ND-LT. If you want an XY match, let me know.
P P PokePhD Nov 23, 2013 Emma Watson, Yup. I actually have a Rayquaza and several other Secret Rares. Everything 1ED and pack-fresh.
Emma Watson, Yup. I actually have a Rayquaza and several other Secret Rares. Everything 1ED and pack-fresh.