Empty Soul Keeper

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  • Empty Soul Keeper, Oh wow, so you work very late at night? Pffft, I'm sure you could have found something better to do after work. =P Haha yeah, good to know that you agree with me on that. xD
    Empty Soul Keeper, Lol okay, and I understand. I know a thing or 2 about video game rage. My sister does it a lot. =P The only problem I have with it is that she's only 8 years old. >.< Little too young to be yelling at games if you ask me...

    How have I been? Pretty darn bored to be honest haha. I'm doing a little better than before because I'm chatting with a few people but earlier I couldn't find anyone to talk to. D: So yeah, enough about me, how have you been today? :I
    Empty Soul Keeper, Lol you seriously cry after losing battles? Not sure how healthy that is but okay. xP Yeah I know what you mean, I've never really hated or disliked a certain Pokemon but you do have to admit that there ideas now have gotten a little worse over time. =P Lol yeah exactly, the ones that stuck out to me is ice cream and garbage. xD
    Empty Soul Keeper, you should play B/W instead. There are no Zubats to troll you every step.

    Just Boldores.
    Empty Soul Keeper, People ask me that question a lot and I never really know exactly how to answer it lol. I guess being home schooled is nice because it's a little laid back but at the same time there are some down sides like never really having the need to go outside which makes being social harder.

    Oh I see, so you're a pretty casual Pokemon fan. Nothing wrong with that of course. =P I'm primarily a fan of the TCG and that's usually what I'm up to every weekend but I also like the video games. I've somewhat lost interest in the recently and actually haven't even bothered to buy Black or White. =P It's not that I'm not interested but more I just don't see a need to buy one right now. I'll probably get one at some point in time though.
    Empty Soul Keeper, Haha well I'm glad you like it here. I've seen people join this forum and then leave shortly after so it's always nice to see someone decide shortly after joining they like it.

    How was my day? Hmmm, lol... Well I don't really do much during the week except for stay home and get my school work done. (I'm home schooled) Though on the weekends I hang out with friends and or go to tournaments to play the Pokemon TCG with them.

    So yeah, I didn't really answer your question but my day was too boring to talk about anyway. =P So what's your area of expertise when it comes to Pokemon?

    (This message was longer than expected... o.o)
    Empty Soul Keeper, No problem. =] Lol, I bet a lot of people have given the same exact story. =P Well I'm glad you like the forum and decided to join. Haha well I'm pretty much always around so it's really only a matter of if we decide to say hello to each other or not. xP
    Hey there! :] Just realized that you're new here so I thought I would say hi and welcome you to the forums. Hope you enjoy them and you stick around for a while. ^.^

    PS: Your signature is really cute! :3
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