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  • evil_elf, Space Balls is a Star Wars spoof. It's really funny.

    The Karate Kid is awesome <3 Do you like the remake better than the original?
    evil_elf, Ouch, that's a tough pick. I really like Spaceballs, but it's not my favorite. What about you?
    evil_elf, My old school. Lol, the kids didn't complain. The principal herself watched the film, so maybe they picked something everyone could see.
    evil_elf, Oh, I get it. Well that's really dumb, BUT it's better than having a violent movie for the little kids. One time, when I was in school, they played this movie with guns and violence for movie night, right in front of the kindergartners!

    I hardly watch TV, but I do watch MLP:FiM on Youtube :p I'm guessing you like Two and a Half Men?
    evil_elf, Lawl, who would watch any of the Buddies movies? Is your school run by 5 year olds? :p

    Yeah, I think math is fun too. I guess it's fun because I'm apparently good at it XD

    Yeah, thanks. I should feel better soon with my medication.
    evil_elf, Which movie? I hate bad movies, but sometimes I like them so I can laugh at how bad they are. It's good that you're getting better at the math.

    Nothing new here. My life is very uneventful when I'm sick.
    Oh, so THAT'S why I thought you were from California :p I suppose 2 invites is appropriate, but still a pretty small number. Anything new going on?
    evil_elf, Hmmm we went hiking once and we took a path we hadn't gone before. The path lead to a giant crack that was about 2 ft wide at the opening. We went inside and just held ourselves up by pushing ourselves against the walls. The farther we went in the less room we had until we had about a foot of room. We slowly made out way down because it widened out near the bottom. As I was going down my shoe came off. I looked down at it and I thought I saw something on it but didn't think to much of it. My friend was already down and grabbed my shoe. "Oh crap" He says getting my shoe. "What?" I say getting closer to the ground and helping my other friend down. "Nothing...just keep going." He says handing my shoe back to me. I slip it back on and finally put my feet back on the ground. Ahead is about a 9 ft drop. We lower ourselves down. I go first and reach the sand down below. I look up to see hundreds of mice staring at me. "Oh...my god" I say trying not to raise panic. The sunlight was coming out of a crack to my right. I helped everyone down and then I tell them about the mice. Suddenly they start running down the wall. We all flip out and run out of the crack. Catching our breath my friend tells me that when he went to grab my shoe there was a mouse sitting on it and it freaked him out a little and then I told them about the huge group looking at me and them running at us. We have been back to the same crack multiple times...when ever someone new comes hiking with us we take them through that crack and then tell them that story and they usually flip out on us xD
    evil_elf, Wow...just...wow o_o You're from California, right? Only two invites is very shocking.
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