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  • evil_elf, Because they're cute. Chirkorita was originally my first Pokemon in SoulSilver, but I restarted the game and chose Totodile. Only that it was female. I restarted the game, and still got a female Totodile.

    I gave up and went along with it in HeartGold. Totodile evolved into Croconaw when I got to the town with Slowpoke Well. I kept leveling it up, and it evolved into Feraligatr. It could learn Ice Fang and other moves. And then I bred my Feraligatr with a Ditto. It resulted in another Totodile. After a while, I got bored and bred another one. Actually, the reason to breed it was to get another female. Another reason was because Regionals were coming up in my area. But they didn't allow the same Pokemon in one team. :(

    As it turns out, I have only two females. And Totodile is the only other Pokemon than Chirkorita that I actually like.
    evil_elf, I don't have that issue anymore. Sure, I don't have a good friend in Florida, but it's because I haven't been there much. The people I got along with at Regionals only knew me for the tournament length and maybe a BR. Aside from two friends, that is. I've known them for pretty much my whole career. One of them used to frequent here. Anyway the problem comes from not wanting to play a deck that isn't complete. Because last time I went to league just for trading, I was bored.

    My CP goal. 12 CP would be cool.

    It's still weird. It's like Uranus...WHAT. WERE. THEY. THINKING.
    evil_elf, Ah that stinks, mine hasn't been that great either. I haven't been too bored but none of my friends are on Skype and my other friends are coming home from a Pokemon tournament so I haven't really gotten to talk to anybody all day. :/
    evil_elf, I've been pretty good. Sorry I couldn't reply a little earlier, I've been somewhat busy with little things so my time on Pokebeach has been sort of limited throughout the day. Enough about that though, how have you been?
    evil_elf, It would be my last, yes. The difference is I was promised I could go and someone else's "oops" ruined my entire day. Furthermore, all my weekends lately have been boring and unproductive. I'm skipping league, I have no friends to hang out with, so having a day where I can finally have some sort of life meant a lot. Now I feel stupid, bored, and obviously ticked. When I could've gotten closer to my goal, laughing, trading, etc. /sorryabouttherant

    That's really far for a cities, you're lucky.

    I guess, I do low college level algebra, and do a pretty good job in if aside from me not getting some concepts (it's a small book so they don't go into it much, it's probably more like a book for college math review). I suck at measurement though (why is America so special thinking they can make a system for only US citizens, and then make students learn both anyway?!)
    Agh, do me a favor and go to this website. Type the code in the box:
    \sqrt{135a^3b^5} = \sqrt{15*9*a^2*a*b^4*b} = 3ab^2\sqrt{15ab}
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