evil_elf, It would be my last, yes. The difference is I was promised I could go and someone else's "oops" ruined my entire day. Furthermore, all my weekends lately have been boring and unproductive. I'm skipping league, I have no friends to hang out with, so having a day where I can finally have some sort of life meant a lot. Now I feel stupid, bored, and obviously ticked. When I could've gotten closer to my goal, laughing, trading, etc. /sorryabouttherant
That's really far for a cities, you're lucky.
I guess, I do low college level algebra, and do a pretty good job in if aside from me not getting some concepts (it's a small book so they don't go into it much, it's probably more like a book for college math review). I suck at measurement though (why is America so special thinking they can make a system for only US citizens, and then make students learn both anyway?!)