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  • evil_elf, Great. At school, my classmates planned a surprise for me in english class, and I got to wear a birthday hat in science class. :)
    How about you? (sorry if I made you feel sad)
    Yes. And Skylanders is a new Wii/3DS game, and I have both. But to get something that expensive... I really am lucky. :)

    Yes, I like school. It's provided me with a lot of knowledge.
    evil_elf, I don't think golf is that exciting either... but I'm glad you're "not that bad" at swimming. :)
    Well I don't like for people to be fussed with my issues. I don't like to get into it...

    I see. Yeah, I hate to make people feel bad if I forgot to add them, but it's so hard to add all of my friends here, I get along with everybody here save like two! Or maybe I just think I do? XD

    Loool see? He'd make a law saying every hot girl in America has to live in the white house and be a naked slave XD
    evil_elf, No, anything that doesn't exist or hasn't been seen. Do you believe in something?

    And oh. I like to draw, type and write, playing Skylanders, being on Pokebeach, and going to school. :)
    evil_elf, Like I said, it was a random question. And sorry for forcing you to say that. :p

    What do you believe in?
    I see, I see. Not too many people are that open. I rarely say I'm bad if I don't feel well. I wish I could, I'm all for honesty. Speaking of honesty, I never realized hone is in honesty. I wish I could come up with a Confucious quote or something. >_>

    Because I liked my entry ;/ didn't want someone to be left out? (like me o_o)

    Lol yeah...it feels like the world is ending. When I could, I listened to Vocaloid every day. I like Japanese songs in general, but idk how to look rhem up (who tags a song by it's language?). Lol yeah he would. If he did, everyone would vote for him. Bieber could become President if he wanted to with his slogan being a song: "Never Say Never."
    Wow ..so if you're dying you have to say you're OK? Sucks 2 suck...imo OK is more on the positive side.

    I'm pretty good, but deeply saddened you got rid of your friend list thing :[

    Still can't wait for wi-fi. I'm starting to look more pale, gaunt, and dark, I'm thinking it could partly be because of no Youtube. Instead I'm humming parts of songs I remember. I also am having dreams of the ring falling into Sauron's hands, and Bieber entering American Idol.
    evil_elf, really? I'm sure you'll find something... have you tried swim team? ( I suck at that one, probably cause I'm afraid of the really deep pools... 0_0 )
    evil_elf, lol, just trying to be funny! :p I'm doing well today, tired from a basketball tournament yesterday. But it doesn't matter to me, cause our team beat our rivals the panthers! *does victory dance* :p
    evil_elf, You mean Dragons? I think it's finished, but I still want to make it longer... But it's the progolue. >.<; Besides that, I posted a comment in my profile about my user title. Would you like to hear it?
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