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  • evil_elf, I don't believe in myself u_u I usually go to a BR just to see what the meta is, and then change for the next one, but now I can't do that.

    Yes, I only want to sell it. The only trophy card I will ever keep is my victory medal representing my first tournament win :p

    Yeah, and the masters nationals winner is too. A lot of big names in Florida...
    well i'm liek a huge music fan, i buy albums & ipod music all the time & i wanted some kewl headphones so the music will be even BIGGER & BETTER...i also dream of being a musician someday ^.^ what are yur intrests?

    oh, & mah boyfriend & i are doing ahmazing, thanks for asking XD
    evil_elf, No, I think I won't get one either. I have to go to a FL one, and only one. In MN I could've gone to two. All I really want from the BR is a Victory Cup I can sell, I'm pretty broke for Regionals.
    evil_elf, Yeah, I'm surprised how expensive they are. It's easy to win another one though, I see his point.
    evil_elf, That would be so cool. Even though I don't like math I considered being a math teacher like my grandpa because it comes really easy to me.
    evil_elf, Hah! I think if that's what you really want to do then you should do all you can to achieve your goal. What kind of teacher would you like to be? :)
    evil_elf, You could still be a teacher if you wanted. I bet you'd be great at working with students since you're such a friendly person. :)
    evil_elf, I never wanted to grow up so I didn't think about it much. xD I used to think I wanted to be a teacher though. :)
    evil_elf, Math is the easiest one for me but I've never liked it. I used to really dislike science but it's one of my favorites now because I'm actually understanding the stuff I'm learning. :D

    I would say english and science are my favorites. History and math on the other hand... *hides*
    evil_elf, True, I played Brawl when I was 10, and nothing about it for me influenced my behavior, except for playing real life Brawl with my friends.

    Thanks, I do too. I have to leave so soon :[

    I want a Victory Cup as well, but I don't even know the Florida metagame, so that'll be pretty hard XD
    evil_elf, Hm.. I would have to say english because I love reading. I don't like writing very much though. I just had to write an essay for my speech class and that wasn't fun at all. D:

    How about you?
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