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  • evil_elf,

    Target FTW.

    Well, it's a Halloween party, so candy is kinda a must. Plus, they make the kids buy the soda (plus an entrance fee - I get in for free :3), and we already have punch.

    Besides, fat kids are fun to watch, so my job is to make the fat fatter

    Lol thanks. Yup, I'm in the 8th grade. I spent smoe of the money on candy for after the party (since my parents don't believ in candy, I feel it's only fair for the kids), but maybe if I have enough, I'll secretly get myself some jeans.

    "You spent all the money? On what?"

    "Well, I figured kids eat the candy pretty fast, so I wanted to ensure they had enough. Plus, the soda was kinda expensive, but hopefully it'll be worth it."

    Yeah, now I'm prepared for that.
    evil_elf, Me too. Do you have the PMD game? I have Sky and Blue. My pokemon? In Sky, the hero is Vulpix, and in Blue, it's Totodile.
    evil_elf, Yes. They are cute, and I caught one in White. It's evolved.

    Speaking of DS games, which one is your favorite?
    evil_elf, Never been there before. And, oh, Chick-n-fila isn't a fast food resturaunt. It's a.... I don't know. It has chicken and fries and chicken burgers.The fries are healthy because they have potato skins, and they look a bit like a grating. So what's your favorite pokemon? Mine is Totodile. (as you may have already guessed)
    evil_elf, Chick-n-fila. I just love its ice dream cones. They're a bit hard, unlike the other cones that are soft. What's your favorite place to eat?
    evil_elf, I love pasta. But sometimes I put too much salt in it. And then I get thirsty. What's yours?
    evil_elf, What about me? I'm a bit bored. And I just ate three pizza slices. The most pizza slices I've ever ate is five.

    Progress Report = everything higher than 96%

    I'm advising a party by myself because we originally had around 5 kids, but the school decided that only one kid was needed, so they picked me. :3 Now they give me school funds to get stuff for the party, but I secretly spend a little of it for myself. *evil grin*
    evil_elf, I don't read, don't play any sports (never have), homework and studying are no fun when it's this late, probably nothing worth watching on tv, and I don't play video games too often. And when I do feel like playing video games my mom's usually using the tv. So yeah, not much to do except for counting my friend's profile comments.... xP
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