Fragile Memories

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  • I completely agree with you. Wise words indeed. That's encouraging, thanks. ;)
    Zade, I might lose interest in Pokemon abruptly in the future and I want no loose ends if I do. It's nothing definite - it probably won't happen, but being a late teen that's into Pokemon, it's a bit embarrassing. But I'll stay for as long as I feel like, which looks pretty long right now.
    Zade, Sure, I'll give it a look! And yes, I mean December: the plan is that in some time zones, it'll be Halloween, and the first day of winter in others. Thus, creating a spooky atmosphere perfect to start an RPG in. Plus, I don't know how much longer I'll be on here, so I'll get my RPG done quickly.
    Zade, Sure thing! I'm going to save the main plot until Halloween, but for now I can tell you that it's about everlasting memories and will come with some of my art, and maybe even some of my own music! I tend to make hidden YouTube videos for people on the Beach.
    Zade, Thanks! ^^ I have an RPG, and it's almost ended, but only one of the ten participants has stuck it to the end, which is a bit annoying. I'm starting a non-Pokemon RPG this Winter. By the way, you should check out BrOkenICE. He's a great guy, and the best role-player I know.
    Zale, thanks! I like you already after a couple of posts! :D I'm a regular too - just come back from a rare break! I usually do art and games on here, if you were wondering.
    Zade, Thanks! It wasn't actually me that made it. He's called fmBillion on YouTube and he is a great Internet friend. You could check him out if you want!
    What's up man, thanks for the pokebeach intro!
    Ummmm.... Well its an effect on gimp witch I normally use for fire so I made the whole thing 150 X 150 and put all the things I wanted in the middle and left a white border and got the magic wand and selected the white border and so I can only color in the white border and selected the paint brush and click the one thats called spark and color! Thats how I got border! Hope it helped! Note: Im just a starter at gimp so please dont be mad that I could not answer every thing about gimp.
    Welcome to Pokebeach The community is quite friendly and you will assuredly enjoy it here.Should you ever need assistance,such as navigating around the site,or perhaps anything you are unfamiliar with,please do notify the staff or me .So yeah,grab a towel and soak up some sun :)
    And I totally forgot to mention the nature, derp. You'll want Bold on Reuncilus because it raises his DEF and lowers his ATK stat which he doesn't use.
    I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but I think I got the gist of it. I'll use Reuniclus as an example. Reuniclus has great HP and SPA, decent Def and SPD, and low ATK, and pitiful SPE. This makes Reuniclus better suited for a bulky special attacker. You'll want to max out his HP and DEF, because HP gives him more healing from Recover and more Physical and Special bulk, and DEF because his DEF isn't boosted by Calm Mind, which all Reuniclus should use. You do not want to give it ATK or SPE EVs because they are very bad on Reuniclus and it doesn't use them. Now you have 6 EVs left to give. You need 4 EVs to raise a stat one point, so the leftover two are useless. This doesn't affect your Pokemon much, but you're better off putting them in SPD. Has this helped?
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