Hi guys. This is a message to the two of you. Shinybill and MrGatr. I really want to make a card thread, and I'm gonna need your help to do it. All of my cards threads . . . FAIL! And I know you two are extremly skilled at making cards. So, I have a preposal. I will first make the cards in text-base, and you, Shinybill, then format them onto a blank, whick you have made, your BW Blanks. Shinybill does all the pictures, images, Energy Costs, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat Cost, Evolution Picture, Picture, and so forth. And for you, MrGatr, you will put on the text. ShinyBill, it may seem as though you have to do alot, and MrGatr gets off easy, that is SOOOOOOO not the case. Remember that you, MrGatr, also have to deal with placemeant, and for Weakness (x2) and Resistance (-10,-20,-30) and Retreat Cost (whatever stage that Pokemon is. You will only have 4 for later evolutions such as Gallade). So you both Have equally amounts. Sorry if you do not want to join. Please do. Considering you guys don't have card threads up right now. I'll be sure to here from you. Thanks! Sorry for the lengthy Message though . . .
*Zade, you wanna do it with me too?*