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  • I let PMJ choose Generations or Mono for me, since I couldn't. Overall I'm happy with the choice. Trainerhan is a good candidate for a position.
    Freedomeon, some of the images have that problem, that's why they don't fit in the avy. A bunch don't though, so they don't leave spaces.
    Anytime. <3

    The Jolteon I got from you felt sorry for its sibling in need. :p It shall be making returns.
    Dropped out of frontier due to lack of time. Between school, sports, and moderating, offering to apply for that was biting off too much.
    Don't think Vaporeon is going to win this (insert emoticon here so this message doesn't seem threatening and looks like a friendly joke)
    Dat Baton Pass tho.
    I'm actually considering going for Genertions instead.
    Gen 1 gives me Ninetales and Charizard.
    Gen 2 gives me Scizor and Crobat.
    Gen 3 gives me Breloom and Flygon.

    Ugh, choices.
    There isn't?
    You can only use pokemon from a single generation. So, if you want to use Venusaur, your whole team has to be from Gen 1.

    That's exactly the plan. I'm going first for the whole Fire>Grass>Water circle I think.
    I already have Water, so that's not a big deal. :p
    I just need to get around to my Mono-Dark team. With Umbreon, of course.
    I'm not worried about getting a position, there's multiple that would work for me actually.
    Mostly going for Mono and Generations though. I love having excuses to use less common pokemon.
    Though, if I do Mono, of need several teams or else I'll be wrecked by weaknesses.
    So, I need a mono Normal team, and then a mono Psychic team because I'm sure they'll come back with Fighting types. :/
    So you're not applying at all?
    Heck, just list it as your number one choice and I'm sure you'll get it. You'd be better then others applying. You'd have no contest from anyone if you asked to battle for the position. PMJ can't really refuse that either, as he should want the best for each position.
    You can have it, and probably will get it.
    I'm going for mono-type. Will FINALLY have an excuse to train mono teams.
    Camp is...
    That thing, you know, with tents? Sleeping outside?
    It also refers to a group of people sleeping away from home for activities.

    I'm going to a church camp for the weekend, but that wouldn't be a big deal I the ret of my week wasn't so busy.
    For instance, today I have gym, a facial, and people coming to cut down a tree in the yard. Tomorrow is guitar lessons, voice lessons, haircut, and driving to a town about five hours away. Then I have to go from there (in Arizona) to California for camp on Friday.
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