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  • I will put it up it the next 10 minutes. I had school yesterday all day and had to meet with a classmate today to go over a presentation for tomorrow.
    [22:44] <Galr> (barium hydroxide)
    [22:44] <Blackwing> Barium hydroxide
    [22:44] <Galr> OHOHO
    [22:44] <Galr> I NINJA'D DNA
    [22:44] <Blackwing> I see my screen as me being first
    [22:44] <Galr> lies
    [22:45] <Blackwing> truth
    [22:45] <Galr> Gale, what about your screen?
    [22:45] <Galr> preeeettty sure I ninja'd you.
    [22:45] <Galr> but if you say so....
    [22:45] <Daft_Away> I see it on my screen as first, Meaty
    [22:46] <Galr> WIN
    [22:46] <Daft_Away> Let that be an example of what will never happen again
    [22:46] <Daft_Away> lol
    [22:46] <Blackwing> @SL: who was first, Meaty?
    [22:46] <Daft_Away> yeah
    [22:46] <Blackwing> hm.
    [22:46] <Daft_Away> The barium hydroxide post?
    [22:46] * Blackwing shoves Meaty onto a bed of nails next to decmaster

    Thought you would be happy to know that I did the impossible that is ninja'ing DNA.
    You came in 8th place and I came in 7th place. Dylan almost didn't make top cut because Rahul and some Other person didn't report their wins/loss to Helen.
    Twins Tyranitar Chansey 2 Catcher.

    That's for picking me up. You don't have to drive me home on the way back, and if this is any trouble tell me.
    how do get an avater do have to post or upload it if anyone can answer than please leave a message
    Hey.. could you make me a avatar.

    Ok, so, the top would say, "this place about to BLOW" (like the song.. ya)
    And then there would be the black bird from angry birds, then the black bird when its about to explode, then, if possible, the black bird exploding. And, a line of motion.
    You have had that avy for a long time...AND....I didn't know you were a girl for a long time...well actually a long time ago I did and then proceeded to forget so that on skype we could have a week of arguing that you were a man but are really a girl...my mind is completely gone by how blown it was...zombies...hit me with a shovel...
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