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  • gamefreak33797, Wow... I have gotten Pokerus 3 times but 0 shinies lol
    <Gardy>: Who here has ever had to throw out bad watermelon?
    <The-Kaiser>: not me
    <Gardy>: Well, I have, and this is how I feel.
    <HauntedWater>: <- This guy
    <Equinox>: Is PMJ on?
    <Equinox>: Or someone that can clone T_T
    <DNA>: some days
    <DNA>: you just can't get rid of a bomb
    <HauntedWater>: that is my life
    <The-Kaiser>: oh now pics are seen on this
    <The-Kaiser>: i have that movie on DVD
    +++ ChanServ has given admin to Teapot
    +++ ChanServ has given op to Teapot
    <The-Kaiser>: just throw the bad melon in the trash
    <The-Kaiser>: or outside for the animals to munch on
    <HauntedWater>: or be like Link
    <HauntedWater>: and cmash it
    <HauntedWater>: *smach
    <HauntedWater>: ...
    <Gardy>: shach...
    <HauntedWater>: you get the point
    <The-Kaiser>: Smash
    <Gardy>: yes
    <HauntedWater>: ^
    <Gardy>: And if I throw it away then the whole house will sink.
    <Gardy>: stink..
    <The-Kaiser>: throw it outside then
    <HauntedWater>: <Gardy>: And if I throw it away then the whole house will sink.
    <HauntedWater>: lol
    <HauntedWater>: so much things i ould say
    <HauntedWater>: but it won't be able to work
    <Gardy>: Which I try but people get in my way...
    <The-Kaiser>: throw in the yard
    <The-Kaiser>: or in a forest somewhere or out the window
    <Gardy>: I can't just open a window..
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at an enemy
    <Gardy>: That would be too easy.
    <The-Kaiser>: why not?
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at a friend
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at your
    <HauntedWater>: brother
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at your sister
    <HauntedWater>: your dog
    <HauntedWater>: your cat
    <HauntedWater>: throw at jesus
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at stan
    <DNA>: read as Asian
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at some deity
    <The-Kaiser>: throw it at a public transportation bus and run
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at a suicide bomber
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at an enemy soldier
    <The-Kaiser>: throw into a river
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at a kid
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at a plane
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at a bird
    <The-Kaiser>: throw it at a ho
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at your mother
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at your father
    <The-Kaiser>: throw it at a pimp
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at a bro
    <The-Kaiser>: throw it at a prostitute
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at a game
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at a TV
    <DNA>: throw it at sheninja
    <Gardy>: How about I throw it at your face?
    <Gardy>: Or that..
    <DNA>: okay that was bad
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at...
    <HauntedWater>: y u do dis DNA
    <HauntedWater>: y
    <The-Kaiser>: some d***he bags crappy car
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at a homeless dude
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at a boat
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at...
    <Gardy>: Guys...
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at existance
    <HauntedWater>: no
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at
    <HauntedWater>: REALITY
    <Gardy>: There was just an earthquake..
    <Gardy>: It was rather small..
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at the Earthquake
    <The-Kaiser>: where you at Gardy?
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at the aftershocks
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at the subsequent fires
    <HauntedWater>: throw it at the people trying to help
    <HauntedWater>: okay
    <HauntedWater>: i think i'm done

    In case you wanted it.
    gamefreak33797, Hahahaha good to know I'm safe :p Hahaha they do seem to see a lot from other's conversations :p Well that's a good thing I'm not them then XP
    Here is the real reason:

    I have started the quest to find the Fairy Plate, and I have decided to look at every member's profile to find it.
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