My dad told me that sometime he'd try to learn how to play, but I want to teach him by playing against him with a deck that is just as good as one I would have him use. Trouble is, I don't have many duplicate Trainers.
As far as staples go, I have 4 Juniper, 4 Sycamore, 8 Tierno, 2 Colress, 3 Shauna, 1 Lysandre, and 2 Korrina.
Also, some types I have really good cards for, but not others. I have lots of great Metal Types, like Cobalion LTR, Bronzong PHF, Aegislash-EX, etc. and Water Types, Beartic FUF, Greninja XY, etc but others I have nothing but junk. The only good Grass Type I have is Shiftry FLF, and only a 3-1-1 line of it. Same thing goes for my Fairy Types. I have Aromatisse XY, Slurpuff XY, and Xerneas XY, but only 1 of each.