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  • I built Hammertime and like it, but if it doesn't work today I'll be going back to Mewtwo/Eel.
    So you know what I'm using...but I'm completely in the dark about your deck...what?
    Anyway, I still want that White Tea list. I might want to try it later. :p
    Did you finish B2 yet? I want your Keys if you did. :D
    So you're going to Alameda.
    I'm also going to Concord tomorrow and I have to make a snap decision about my deck.
    Here was my thought process.
    "Maybe I should ask Zach what to play...
    Nah, he'll say play his best matchup. I'll just roll a die."
    hey, Blargh is also going to Alameda. This ought to be fun. :p

    I still want that list, White Tea is a very amusing deck to me.
    Thats an awesome idea! I wish I'd thought of that! Maybe I'll do the same...nah. I can play my game without the I can't!

    lol and I'll see if I can get you that Chimchar, shouldn't be much of a problem. Do you care if it's an egg though?
    lol, somebody needs to (try) to keep you from forgetting things. :p
    btw, I'm playing Nuzlocke on Platinum. Named my character Keeper, and my rival Gistica. :)
    Happy New Year!

    I did a lot in 2012:
    I made a Darkrai/Landorus deck for a tournament, I argued with DNA and Articuno that Starmie isn't a hot pokemon, and I got told off because I tried to tell people that Balstoise/Keldeo won't stay T1, ect.
    ...feel's like it was only a few hours ago too...
    ah, good times...
    Do you happen to have a Darkrai/Landorus decklist I can borrow? Mine is probally way off the mark, so I need a new starting point.
    Well I'm running Hammertime for Concord so even if I were to go to Alameda you wouldn't be able to kill Eels...
    White Tea? That's the Tornadus/Bouffalant/Landorus/Mewtwo deck, right? I tried that, but had a hard time with the high retreat costs of Landorus and Terrakion.

    Anyway, I'll probally use Lugia EX Darkrai/Landorus. My current version doesn't use Sableye, which could be a problem. But I have plenty of time to fix that.

    I really screwed up at the last couple cities, maybe I can redeem myself at Regionals. ;)
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