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  • Glaceon, Not necessarily. The first thing you should know is that only thirty percent of the money donate actually goes to support the kids. But thats how it is with most organizations. Secondly, they fund the Ugandan army in order to get kony, but often they ended up harming or killing the kids themselves. Also, as an organization, they are only supportive of military action. There are more peaceful ways to stop Kony, but the invisible children aren't supporting anything except war with Kony. I honestly feel that if there are more peaceful solutions, we should use them.
    I am not going to be at Virginia States(too far away).
    I need these LPs and patches/badges. Also, I don't have a poke gear for trade.
    Season 2: Hurdle Dash - Patch
    Season 3: Snow Throw - Patch
    Season 4: Block Smash - Patch
    Season 5: Disc Catch - Patch

    2011/2012 League Cycle
    Season 1: Snivy - Patch
    Season 2: Tepig - Patch
    Season 3: Oshawott - Patch

    Season 1: Trio Badge
    Lillipup (Black White 81/114)
    Grass Energy (Black White 105/114)
    Season 2: Basic Badge
    Watchog (Black White 79/114)
    Fire Energy (Black White 106/114)
    Season 3: Insect Badge
    Whirlipede (Black White 53/114)
    Psychic Energy (Black White 109/114)
    Season 4: Bolt Badge
    Zebstrika (Black White 42/115)
    Lightning Energy (Black White 108/114)
    Season 5: Quake Badge
    Fighting Energy (Black White 101/114)
    Season 6: Jet Badge
    Metal Energy (Black White 112/114)
    Season 7: Freeze Badge
    Water Energy (Black White 107/114)
    Season 8: Legend Badge
    Darkness Energy (Black White 111/114)
    Hahaha ok well I think that you should run an MTC variant with Terrakion, we have a lot of lightning in our seniors group.
    Hey Glaceon MegaBeast here. PM me sent comment
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