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  • Ok so if I was up against a deck that could do 130 damage or more and decided to send up Reshiram because Gigas is prized or something, and the 25% chance happens and I do 50 to myself, THEN I need to worry. I've been against 150 damage decks before, Idon't lose because of early lock and tini.
    Glaceon, That's true. It'll do like 120 to a loaded Steelix, withou Sp. Metal. But then you just move the damage.

    Suit yourself, but you're gonna lose to Magnezone. If you do start with it, it's just one prize. This deck can come back a lot.

    Then you just move the damage away with Reuniclus. Remember, you can sponge 200 alone with just Vileplume and Reuniclus, and you can also KO a Cleffa or something to make bench space for another EX. It's literally a combo with no holes...or rather no holes that I've discovered. I've been undefeated since I teched Terrakion.
    EXs are better. Steelix is too slow and has low damage output. Plus it gets KO'd by Ram.

    Which Truth Variant, EX or Steelix? Steelix can use Donphan and EX uses two Terrakion. Two is better because if you revenge KO, and get revenged yourself, you can revenge KO the revenge KOer and most likely win by then. It takes a while for them to get their Magnezone up with energy on the field so you take that time to dish KOs and make sure you have enough prizes taken to come back once they KO Reshis.

    Oh, and there's no way for the recoil to KO itself unless you're going up against water or a dragon EX. I guess maybe 1 Victini could help.
    Well Gigas is good with revenging, even if it gets revenged itself. Great for taking a last two prizes.

    No Victini. The recoil ain't a big deal unless you're up against like Kyurem EX or something with Black Belt.
    Groudon won't be in the set. There's six EXs, all but Shaymin and the weather duo confirmed. That leaves five, and they won't just do Groudon, it'll be Shaymin.

    Gigas is just a tech against Water stuff and other EXs.
    Glaceon, No, its just a connection problem or something. It happened to me a while ago, its Client Side. Just restart your computer and that should fix it. Thats what I did anyway.
    Glaceon, I did, if you are having that problem, follow these steps:

    1. Uninstall Skype.
    2. Reinstall Skype.

    Should fix it. ^_^
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