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  • After your city on Saturday, can you mail my TB back to me as fast as possible? I am going to NJ to visit relatives and I can go to a city there.
    Zero (Today - 03:28 PM)
    DNA (Today - 01:19 PM)
    Pokemon ex (Today - 01:01 AM)
    R-C (Yesterday - 11:43 PM)
    pokemonjoe (Yesterday - 11:05 PM)
    Celebi23 (Yesterday - 09:42 PM)
    Futachimaru (Yesterday - 09:16 PM)
    King Arceus (Yesterday - 08:37 PM)
    Gale (Yesterday - 08:32 PM)
    CMP (Yesterday - 08:29 PM)

    Lots of mods...
    When I say VVV, I mean all varients of it, with mew and without. And, how can you be off topic on a profile?
    Glaceon, If you click on the thread, the first thing it says is "Card of the Day: Ultra Ball from Battle Strength." :p
    Glaceon, What?

    BS as in we all know what, well that's reading into it too much.

    And they used BS as the abbreviation for Base Set. 10-year olds don't think like that.
    If you are in an a time that is not American, I will try to pair you up with people in your time zone. Let me know.

    Really? There's no "American Time Zone" There's Eastern Standard time which is what we use up in the northeastern states and there's others that America uses. Not "American" time zone =P
    Glaceon, Hahahaha. Thankfully, people in my area have the dignity not to steal deck ideas :p I added you to my buddy list.
    Regardless of what techs you use, Mewscoops is just a gimmick. Any good player is not going to rely on coin flips to win. Also, you don't just lose a mew on double tails. You have to get the damage so exact because of the frailness of mew.
    Glaceon, Sure. Do you want me to use my MewScoops, or my Chandelure? Or I can make a different deck.
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