OMG YES. I was digging around where I keep all of my cards and Pokemon stuff (its a huge mess in there because in a decade of playing you accumulate a ton of cards, especially because back then I was young and stupid and bought packs) found my and my brothers sealed secret wonders (darkrai) prerelease sleeves
Glace, ya... Pendarvis played it and didn't even cut. Remeber terrak though. you could always play ur deck from HGSS on (terrakion mewtwo) because it counter darkrai mewtwo REALLY well.
Glace, ya. youre a good player tho so u could play the most popular darkrai varient, and outplay you opponent if you want i guess. Terrakion toolbox does have a good matchup on most darkrai tho. To make some matchups even easier u could even through in some garbodor tho.
Glace, Hmm, u could always do a terrakion ex toolbox like your known to i guess, also rayeels IMO is amazing if there isnt much landy. The one possible bad matchup is hammertime tho.