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  • Glace, More like I didn't put the effort I should have to get the full Nationals experience that I would have hoped for. Don't get me wrong, I had tons of fun and it was probably one of the best weekends of my life thus far. But I remember more of the fun with friends rather than the actual matches I had against people during the tournament. Never said I forget everything, lol.
    Kim is Tim's childhood friend or something, shes playing kling klang..... Tim is either playing meganium/ groudon or Lugia legend.... Im debating between Hammertime darkrai if I can get 3 more darkrai, CMT Terrak, Eels with terrak, or Kumis.dec
    You mean the downtown Marriot? Thats where Im staying :p
    Dude my room is packed ive got Me, both the jimmys, Peter, Dean, Tim, Kim, and Henry its a party.
    Glace, I've actually been highly critical of the username changes that people have been asking for. And it's not the system that's the problem - it's the dumb choices people have been making.

    So far, other than yours, I have only liked three of the username changes: Shadow Arceus to Cinesra, Guy89 to TheGuy, and TheDarkLucario to TDL. All the others are just...terrible.

    I honestly can't wait for January 2013 or some other special circumstance so that I can change back. It was a nice idea at first, but after 4 months I'm tired of it.
    This new username, oddly enough, is actually not bad. It's a nice break from all the lame ones I've been seeing.
    Glace, Dark Giratina has been on like twice in the past 3-4 days, and I'm going away for the next two days so I'm not exactly sure what to do.
    Your name is so easy to type now.
    I pulled a Darkrai. I've been keeping my promise and I'm saving it for you.
    Bring your good stuff to next league, or I KEEL YOU. (Acmed refrence)
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