grantm1999, I lost to Bronzong in the finals. He only played Dialga and Heatran. Heatran is especially tough for Fighting to deal with.
Honestly, I got incredibly lucky that tournament. My first 3 opponents were all sorta bad players, then round 4 I faced Manectric/Zapdos (4-0 by this point), then I IDed against the Bronzong guy the last round. Then in top 4 I faced the Manectric/Zapdos player again.

The deck has some good match ups (Manectric, Donphan, Vir/Gen), but it can have trouble against Yveltal, and Seis is about 50-50. I'm not sure I'd recommend it for Regionals.
Speaking of Regionals, are you going to Virgina? I'll be there.