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  • ShadowLugia, I still don't see it. Then again, my keyboarding teacher wasn't too happy that I kept messing up serif and sans serif fonts all semester. :p

    Who's that lucky gal then? Is it a sketch of your girlfriend? :p

    Also, you wanna talk on Skype or IRC? There's a thunderstorm right now so I can't watch TV, so I'm kinda looking for stuff to do.
    I didn't even notice the change in the font this time. So I read your comment and I'm thinking "Someone KEPT changing it? o.o".

    Uhh, hot girl avatar contest between me, you and tdl going on or something?
    i can't tell because i'm on my phone, but is it huge this time or small?
    nobody knows who's doing it, not even wpm

    i'm being 100% legit when I say this too
    Another one I found online! With this one being the first I never made up.

    What does an electric-type Pokémon say when they get gassy while drinking milk?
    A: I’m Zaptos intolerant!
    Pushing it to the border of extreme bad? Yeah, the jokes I make are quite corny. Refer the comment below yours on my profile.
    Try guessing this. Though I doubt you'll find it funny.
    What does Zekrom say when he fell in love with an Eelektrik?
    "I was eelektrified by your beauty.
    haha yeah, good game! I thought I played okay for having not played seriously since 4th gen. some annoying luck stuff but what are you gonna do >.<
    Actually, I install flooring, but cabinet making isn't too different. It still takes a lot of good craftmanship and they're both still part of construction. What I was telling DNA was that a cabinet shop near my house went up in flames last week, and for the second time in fifteen years. I feel bad for the owner because he's someone my dad and I know/installed flooring for.
    Eff we can't go for like another 2 hours :/

    Yeah, it's too hot everywhere... we should move to Pluto :D
    ShadowLugia, awaiting the arrival of my grandma and my aunt to go swimming :) It's like 105 here EVERY day :[

    Most people here know you're full name :p
    I hereby give Jacob Perry permission to slap Dark Giratina for taking my line to say hello :/

    So, hows it goin *points and winks* :p
    "Wait - my son, the planet, or me?"

    why haven't I gotten around to watching this yet
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