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  • We should try to do some sort of raid boss together. Your brother can join us to make it more funsies. There's not much left to do in the game than fight the big bad guys lol.
    Some Loser, Callos, Carida, Magna Roma, Dathomir, Maranga IV, Aldaron, Middle Earth, D'vouran, Dromund Kaas, Nigala IV, Nimbus III, and Drongar
    Some Loser, No, you are wanted on 12 planets for the illegal moving of narcotics, fgt
    Stop! In the name of the law! Your avvy is being arrested. Anything you say/do can be used against you in court.
    lol awesome, i hope i can get on tonight for a bit. i have food poisoning lol so uhm...hopefully that'll pass soon.
    i couldnt get on tonight, had stuff i needed to do. hopefully we'll get a chance tomorrow
    sorry bro didn't know you were having a bad week. if you need anybody to talk to bud im here =]
    So I solo'd a bit and got my Axton to Lv16, right before the wildlife preserve. I didn't do many side quests, so I hope we're in about the same spot and I didn't pass you in story missions. Also, got a Lv7 Legendary rocket launcher from Incinerator Clayton, didn't even know he could drop one...anyways hopefully your mic issues get fixed cuz ur my bl2 bud mayn. :[
    Haha I'm sorry. If you want I can solo my Axton a bit till I get there? Or we can play together until I get there then switch to your Zero? I think my Axton is only Lv9 or something. I don't believe I do. All I have is a powerleveled Gaige lv20ish. Didn't we start new characters together?
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