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  • ShadowLugia, I ran into Blargh257 who used Darklord Asmodeus in his deck, and since it's rather thematic to go with my username (as well as Archlord Kristya has), I figured I could easily make a duplicate theme with him in it.

    I'm glad you noticed!
    I had a really bad day Monday because my grandma wasn't released from the nursing home like she was supposed to be, which sent my whole family into a tizzy. Getting this game more than made up for it. I just haven't had a chance to start it yet, but I'll let you know what I think of it when I get around to doing so.
    I got the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, so yeah, I did have a good birthday. Thanks! :)
    ShadowLugia, yeah, I wish I never picked them up in the first place. Makes life a living hell. Quiting is hard too. :/
    ShadowLugia, no, we call him that as a joke. When we were in High School we stole a pack of his Maverick cigarettes and hid them in some random kid's backpack. He saw us do it, tracked down the kid after-school, and dumped out his backpack in the parking lot. After he found them he gave the kid ten bucks as a sorry. It's funny because Mavericks aren't even good cigarettes, yet he wanted them back SO BAD!
    Just found your usertitle funny because that's a nickname of one of my friends. =P
    ShadowLugia, Yeah, that's basically my plan too. ^.^

    I told TDL yesterday that my first thought was "i get to work with tdl and jake and safaray and pride and *dies", or something like that. All of this secret stuff will be so much fun. :p

    Now where can I find that joker avatar you had when you got modded? :3
    ShadowLugia, Awesome, I made Jake proud. +1.

    I'm still not used to seeing my name in green. That will take a while to get used to. But otherwise, everything is going good.
    ShadowLugia, Thanks for the reassuring words :D.
    Ya, I just wanted to make sure everyone hadn't forgotten, because it's kind of pointless to have a team forum where the team isn't on it.
    Just wanted to make sure you're still checking in on our secret forum every once and a while, right?
    ShadowLugia, I started watching before you replied. I stand so far that this is total crap. :/
    Since you've (most likely) already seen it, would you recommend Dragon Ball GT? From what I've heard it's complete crap.
    LOL, did you see the thread started by CSJ (Ithinkitwashim) about the Han Solo song they have on there?
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