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  • Daft Punk, Yeah, and being a cashier sounds so exciting to begin with... At least I'll have money and a reason not to waste all my time on PB, lol.
    Daft Punk, Heh, yeah. I may just wait until summer to get the game so I can have an excuse for sitting around all day playing vidya games. That is, if I can bear the wait.
    Daft Punk, Yeah, I don't know how I'm going to manage playing all 8 classes at once in addition to Pokemon and my personal life, lol.
    Daft Punk, Yeah, lol. Watching them has pretty much convinced me to get a job ASAP so I can get a really nice computer to play it on. I must warn you, though. You may be shocked by how awesome the Bounty Hunter looks.
    Daft Punk, Yeah, lol. For me, seeing the leaks makes me want to play it even more. This way I know what I'm missing.
    Daft Punk, Lol, yeah. The trooper looks great. It really feels cool and I do like the story for the first 10 or so levels. (I could only find the origin planet's full story, and bits and pieces of other planets)
    Daft Punk, I dun keeeeep up with it either

    But I was profile creeping your bio, and saw the date you were modded, and then im like OMG NOOOO WAAAYYY! Lets go tel him

    :p <3
    Daft Punk, Its your one-month-anniversary of being modded :D

    Silly ShadowLugia, not even remembering when he was modded
    Daft Punk, Oh, I hadn't seen it yet. I've been pretty much ignoring the main site and watching beta leaks, lol. It's certainly interesting. I certainly like both classes, but I don't want to give out spoilers unless you want them :).
    Daft Punk, I can tell. If you didn't like them, you wouldn't have picked it as your username! Well, Merry Christmas and I'll talk to you later!
    Daft Punk, Aha. Also, glad to see you in the festive spirit already.
    It's not long until my 1yr anniversary. :3
    Daft Punk, I'm free tonight if you want to Skype to start, Maybe there are others available that would like to help. The more, the merrier.

    But yeah, sounds like you've got a plan. :p
    I think you'll like Levels by Avicii.
    Flo Rida nicked it in Good Feeling, but it was originally your kind of thing. ;)
    Hey, I got a cool idea.

    You know how the TCG mods (and maybe some other people) are creating articles on the top decks, or the decks with potential. I was thinking about doing something similar for the VG forum.

    We could do an article on the top xx threats in OU, discussing why they are threats, what they can do, movesets, etc. Or we could discuss some of the most well known playstyles, showcasing the playstyles strengths and weaknesses, with an example team.

    (I know we makes it sound like its already included you, but I just couldn't think of a better word :p)

    Oh, and nice avatar.
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