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  • Ann...Chovy... This night just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Maybe I should go to bed considering the fact that it's almost 3:00 am. >.<

    Edit: And of course your name changes after I post. =P
    DaftPunk, apparently it's too late for me to put my opinion; oh well :p
    By the way, here's the autoident script I promised to give you.

    Put the following in the Remote tab under Script Editor:
    on *:connect: {
      if (syntaxnode isin $server) {
        timer 1 1 /ns identify PASSWORD
    obv replace the all-caps with your nick's password.
    Now, if you wanted to add auto-joining channels on top of that, you could put:
    on *:connect: {
      if (syntaxnode isin $server) {
        timer 1 1 /ns identify PASSWORD
        timer 2 1 /join #pokebeach
        timer 2 1 /join #channel
    It's like I'm growing up and I'm tearing up about it. :'( ...but it was for the better.

    What are some other good dp songs? I know a few but let's expand my horizons.
    It was tough. Gallant makes me sound as if I'm complimenting myself. Plus, with Serperior, I could have a nice green theme with my avvy and sig.

    I need to change my signature now...haha.
    Me gusta, but will take some time getting used to

    Im still gonna call you shadow/shadowlugia in voice calls, lol
    Yeah, I needed to change mine to R-C I thought about changing it to something totally different like The_Great. ;) jk
    ShadowLugia, See, Zorua Lover is taken, Zorua89(or whatever random number) and every other possible combination for Zorua is taken, aside from just plain Zorua :p

    ima go for it
    ShadowLugia, I like it more, but I hate having to go through the whole "Your trial has expired! Please buy a ten dollar contract to use this dumb thing. You can still use mIRC like normal, though." as soon as I start it up.
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