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  • We were playing party games at my Friday night Bible study. At one point me and two other guys got to pretend to be Stormtroopers doing aerobics.

    We were saying how mean our boss was until he suddenly comes in the room and then kills us all with his saber.
    ShadowLugia, Thanks! I also like the fact that my voice is online - it proves to everyone that I'm not just some little boy. :p
    ShadowLugia, Haha, thanks man! Means a load to me!
    I'm probably going to buy some Emerging Powers stuff soon, but with a busy schedule I've been drawing back from Pokemon a bit.
    ShadowLugia, Meeting people here at Worlds would be cool. So very cool.

    Yes, Skarm and Ferro are basically the same, in terms of roles. NuttyPringles is my favorite core, though I mostly just use the pringles part for taking fighting attacks.

    Cool Skarm set would be cool to see.
    ShadowLugia, I'm not sure how effective a Skarmory/Ferrothorn defensive core is. :p
    You should've seen me back in 2009 when I was active in the TCG forum. I thought I knew everything, but I sounded like a complete idiot.
    Well, I'm not sure because soccer doesn't have fixed practice timnes yet.... maybe some time this week in the evening?
    ShadowLugia, No, I mean the country with the inferiority complex. :p Nah, you'd just need a crazy bulky Ferrothorn or Skarmory. Its doable, but I see what you're saying. :)
    I happen to like your posts as well. They're always full on information.
    ShadowLugia, It was helpful. I've been trying to build stall in OU, and its failed massively. Now I know why.

    And yay, someone liked my post. :D

    Canada is awesome. Its gonna snow in 3 weeks; I'm calling that now.
    ShadowLugia, im doing ok, School started here to! Just tring to get threw life! U know? Also got 2 in my last cross contry meet...ya!!
    ShadowLugia, I am not available for any of those days, what about today, or monday after school.
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