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  • No problem. It was completely true.
    And you probably have more buddies than me because you've been on for four years longer than me. Just a small factor. :p
    Well actually, I lost to Sidney. Then I made to Glacia, and was met with terrible hax with her Walrein. Drake was pretty much impossible, and I was really surprised to see Steven as the Champion. (Then in Gen 4 its like, k Cynthia, I know I only have one badge, but I'm calling you the Champion). Eventually I decided that I'd (painfully) raise Kyogre to Level 60, and sweep with Surf, Ice Beam, Thunder and...something else. That was easy.

    The Beach has definitely been a great community to be apart of. If it does have to close, I hope we're still able to connect with each other. And yes, that does include you. Would you happen to have Skype?
    My first Pokemon game was Sapphire, where I picked by Pokemon solely based on looks. And being the...ambiguous person I am, I figured "The cuter, the better". So I challenged the Elite Four with my team of: Torchic, Swablu, Skitty, Lotad, Kirlia and Aron. Yeah, it didn't work out so well.

    Then I figured I had to learn more about this game, and discovered stuff on other sites. That was when I discovered that Cut wasn't a good move (Which is probably why Gamefreak trolls us by not letting us delete it). Then I got into the Gamcube games, and this stuff suddenly made sense.
    I wouldn't say its good. It definitely got better once I added Rotom-W and Scizor. I figure once I learn how to fit in a Breloom counter, my team should be able to reach for the top (well, maybe not with my luck). I did peak at almost 1100, but then I fell into a giant downward spiral.
    Enough about my life, tell me about yours. How'd you get into competitive Pokemon?
    I like you say I'm an amazing battler, especially when I don't think that I'm that great.

    Thanks for the profile mention though.

    Yeah, I didn't expect everyone to migrate over to them that quickly.
    Haha, yeah!

    Though Misty will probably leave many wondering if I am indeed Male. Though Rosalina already left many confused.
    You know what, I should just change my Gender on PB to Female to make life easier for everyone.
    You should check out their ET remix. In fact, you should get the whole ET remix album. It's great.
    Nice! You have an amazing taste in music.
    If you like Tiesto, do you like Noisia or Nero? They're both great remix DJs too.
    You like deadmau5? Same!
    I bet you'd love Pendulum. They're my favourite non-rappers at the moment.
    In fact, I think the greatest competitive battlers and TCG players should use Gym Leader avatars. Usin' mah boi Koga
    ShadowLugia, You have a hard time catching Heatran? I caught him with the first Quick Ball.

    Hey, how's my favorite dark/psychic/flying type?
    I could never figure out how to use the Wiimote set up ShadowLugia. That's why I use my Gamecube controller.
    I've got another one coming up on Tuesday, with a much bigger one on Saturday. I'd like to get something from both of them.
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