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  • There is actually a huge combo list if I remember right. There is a lot of criticism for it being repetitive but it's only as repetitive as you make it.
    It's a fun game. I think that's where people get confused. By no means is it a great game or something that lives up to the main series but as ProJared puts it. "Cuttin' dudes is fun"
    It pains me to say that one of my second favorite developers made it because Platinum can do so much better. See: Bayonetta or Vanquish.
    It's on of those 'potential wasted' games. I'd give it a 5/10 personally.
    [size=xx-small]Thanks for asking :¬D[/size]
    Some Loser, Good old 70s and 80s metal. Mainstream or not, bands like Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and Metallica have changed the music world. Nice taste, SL.
    No one can resist metal :).
    What do you mean by mainstream? 'Cos actually a good deal of the so-called mainstream is excellent.
    Some Loser, I'll know you'll love this.
    So I came up with a good episode off GameTime, and you'll love it. I was testing out the DLC I got for inFamous 2 today, and I shocked a group of militia. The funniest part was when I looked closely and saw something uniquely funny. I then found an area where an abduction was happening, and I jumped from building to building for the duration of about 13 seconds, then screamed "DO THE HARLEM SHAKE!" and zapped the ground, causing all five of them to just spaz out. I'll try to get on video to show.
    Some Loser, When will you be able to co-op? I'll try to coax my dad into entering the wep. I read the walkthrough, and tbh, I'd probably pass out due to a major anxiety attack because it seems to difficult to do alone.
    Some Loser, That's what I've heard. I'm not sure I'd be able to make it through the ~5 hours or so of Rin's route without getting annoyed by her.
    Some Loser, I can't really decide between Emi and Lilly as my favorite. For some reason I didn't enjoy Hanako's route as much as I did Lilly and Emi's. Maybe they desensitized me to the feels? Maybe I was still a little disturbed by the sex scene when I got to the ending? Should I play Shizune and Rin's routes even though I didn't really like what I saw of them in the other routes?
    Don't worry, you don't offend me xD Yeah, that's kind of what many think when they read it. When I ... invented that name, I couldn't speak english. It's a "proper noun" or something... Not meant to be more than my name ^^ (Wtf is up with my ava o0)
    Well, thank you... Even if I'm not sure what you mean by that xD Most people tend to get my name wrong, I guess XD''
    Heheh. It's like what does PC gaming have over consoles? A range of exclusives and higher graphics. Even then that depends highly on if you had enough money to fork out. And most PC gamers I know are social shut-ins. So when I get pestered it's like "Dude, leave me alone"
    [size=xx-small]But all I ever agree with is JoJo[/size]
    Hey wazup? Do you have time to transfer data from my White over to Black? I have asked about 15 people and the say they can't or they don't have a DS anymore or their DS is broken. I have even posted in my trade thread. No one has responded XD. Thanks. If you need my FC's again let me know. Thanks XD.:)
    Some Loser, the pre-determined WEP key is whatever the factory default is for that router...which could be anything.
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