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  • ShadowLugia, Pretty dang good! Just moved into my new appartment today! Maybe we can all hit up the Safari Zone soon for a Skype tour of the place? :3
    ShadowLugia, I like the Twight Zone. Because everything there is clear, and some things are invisible because they are red. Not only that every predator uses flashing lights to attract prey. It's almost as amazing as Space itself.
    ShadowLugia, Hahaha that's funny I've been wanting to do the same thing. Cept maybe in sub space (as I like to call it) which is where the SR-71 Blackbird flies. That or become a marine biologist, and explore the Twilight Zone
    ShadowLugia, Lol, sounds like my school job cept I have a job... (and it's really really hard)

    So... What classes are you taking?
    ShadowLugia, I am feelin great actually... (just this storm made the. So sore right now:/)

    So, what's new in the world of Daftness?
    ShadowLugia, No lol... I was at High Adventure me and my friends were mountain biking down a hill... We hit a steep part and all of us were going faster than the speed limit for cars, and I got suck between some gravel and newly paved road, I blacked out. Then I saw dirt, sky, mail lady, dirt... And I got up laughed it off and went about a mile down the mountain before realizing the cut..

    I also look like I was dragged by a car from all the road rash :p
    ShadowLugia, That makes 4 stupid things I has said today... Darn it these staples in my gut are really affecting me :/
    ShadowLugia, Yeah, same wih high school I guess... Why are you up at like 11ish if you have school?
    ShadowLugia, It wasn't serious >_>

    it was actually extremely minor lol, it just sucks mobility wise. it was pretty fun to be honest, made me loopy :p

    ShadowLugia, Yeah, cuz I had surgery today (on my foot) so I can't really go anywhere and i'll be stuck in my room so some ME3 sounds very nice.

    My mic's broken so I won't be able to VC.
    ShadowLugia, Ya know, I'd be down to hit up some ME3 sooner or later. Let me know tomorrow or whenever when you're good and we can go kick some alien butt.
    ShadowLugia, lol inb4 Jakey boy gets lost in the Campus :p...

    I wanna go to college soooooooo bad :p
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