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  • I actually did learn one interesting thing in the process - you can't use a Ninja Art of Super-Transformation to send an Xyz monster to the Graveyard.
    But that was the only ruling I think I actually looked up. I think I just tried to solve the rest with logic.
    A passing grade was probably something like 16 or up, I'm guessing...maybe even 18 and up. If I was as savvy about YGO rulings as I was about Pokemon, I probably would have done better...but I think I'll hold off on that until I start going to tourneys and such, i.e. immerse myself fully in the YGO world.
    > took the DN Admin Exam for kicks and giggles
    > went in with zero study prep
    > got 11 out of 20

    Better than 50% without even trying, aww yeah
    ShadowLugia, lucky... Then again, I can just go about 45 minutes west of here and BOOM! Nothin but mountains (or the desert whichever I choose)...

    ShadowLugia, I'll probably enjoy it :)

    Dood, I'm gonna kill someone, and it won't be no accident either :p
    ShadowLugia, lol I get to take sumers drivers edd and drive my entire 10th grade year :D

    I highly doubt my mom will let me take the car though (i already steared once and swerved at my friends :D)
    For me, and many other people I know, the years of former education is better than high school.

    Then again, universities are the place where you're assigned to send spam email through a bot. XD
    ShadowLugia, lol back to school is da best time of year :p

    Yeah, I really don't wanna go to high school :/
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