Haunted Water
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  • (Sorry for the late response. Dx)
    Hm, Victini... Is it because of something particular? Because Victini cards aren't usually used for attacking, but for support.
    Holy cow, that's a lot! xD Well, then, now that it won't be an issue, what kind of deck would you prefer? Or is there any specific Type you like?
    Sorry about that, had some things to take care of. First of all, do you have a set budget for a deck?
    Hiya! :D I'll gladly help you, just give me ~5 hours until I get back from University and we'll talk about it. ;)
    Haunted Water' pid='2671782' dateline='1413399749 said:

    Drohn started a trend....

    May god help us all...
    God can't help you now.
    Haunted Water, There have been some amazing new album releases! Within the Ruins, For All I Am, and Invent, Animate have some pretty BA lyrics (Within the Ruins' album is even about DC/Marvel superheroes and villains)
    Haunted Water, Lol yes I am, and yes, you may Jk actually it's a reference to the song Seven by Erra.
    Fix'd the Roman Numeral mistake. If there's anything else weird, pop me a line. :)
    Haunted Water, Oooh, killer instinct.
    Well, best of luck to you. I hope you'll get to shoot down everything you've ever wished.
    Haunted Water, I missed your birthday, sorry about that. I was kinda cut off from computers.
    How have you been?
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