Hydro Cannon
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  • Thanks for you're reply, Oke thanks,well how about this?;
    my: RH Landorus + Entei EX FA
    your: Mew EX reg + #11 Rayquaza
    Yes, I just sent today. You should get it Friday/Saturday. TBH I'll use any team I can get haha. Are you not going to an Autumn Regionals?
    Hydro Cannon, No, I don't have any Japanese cards lol. I sold you three victory cups and a victory medal. You gave me a heart attack there xD
    Hydro Cannon, No, I don't have any Japanese cards lol. I sold you three victory cups and a victory medal. You gave me a heart attack there xD
    Hydro Cannon, the Vulpix and Poliwag are going to be a bit trickier - on top of that I would actually want to trade them away (same with the Deino). The Solosis I am fine giving away free of charge.
    Hydro Cannon, yeah, I have a few. Horsea, Poliwag, Deino, Larvesta, Vulpix, and Dratini are the ones that come to mind, but I have many more besides those.
    A modest LV1 Solosis? I should be able to get that pretty quickly. I'll let you know when I do. Do you need it for Regs or something?
    that would be Modest. And I should be able to pull that off. When do you need it by? (and can you EV train it yourself? I have a lot on my plate so I can't really EV train stuff.)
    Hydro Cannon, not sure. Solosis isn't one of those things I can breed easily. What kind of nature are you looking for?
    Hydro Cannon, Totally understand mate. I need to register for the winter semester soon and that's easily over a thousand dollars even at my community college. Next year, I plan to transfer to a university so I need to save up extra for that. I'll be living on my own pretty much which is a pretty big deal since my parents don't really help me with tution. Honestly right now, I'm not sure where I want to go with my collection. I'm picking up a few cards here and there though. :D
    Hydro Cannon, Haha no problem! Yea, I think it was a mechanical error down at the sorting failicity. If I didn't know better, I would guess someone got hungry and ate a third of the package. :p Jokes aside, it arrived perfectly so I'm happy. How is your collection coming along? Any new goals? :)
    Hydro Cannon, Thanks mate! Yea I spent forever trying to come up with something catchy and available too of course. Btw also, I sent out a huge package for you today. It includes your two PSA 10s, 4 EX TRR Packs, 2 DRX Packs, Zekrom EX FA, and a little over 20 RHs from EX RS and EX UF. I also sent via USPS Priority Mail so it should be there by Friday I'd assume.

    P.S. I got the Darkrai EX FA as well! The package was a bit damaged in transit though. Honestly, with how beat up it was, I am surprised the card wasn't damaged at all. It looks to be in great shape so I'm quite enthusiastic about it. :D
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