Hydro Cannon
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  • hahahah yeah! I have no pocket space but I have gigantic purses to make up for that!! At work I wear cargo shorts which have a gajillion pockets for my phone, boxcutter, snacks, lol gum, mp3 player, marker, etc. I hate tight pants that you cant walk in. My jeans have to be stretchable My poor legs I cant let them suffocate! I wish people were more colorful and vibrant as betttas. I wish it was super-normal for 90% of the population to wear bright colored clothes and awesome anime hair. Sadly, its not like that...yet. The 80's came pretty darn close than it did today which also has lots of neato clothing. Over in Japan people wear freaking one-piece animal pajamas and pink skirts out in public!
    yeah IKR !!??? We dont live in the 2nd century, we live in an age where closes are expression and style!!! ^-^ I got all 3 pairs from walmart for like $15 each and they are stretchy and thin. I have to be careful with them but at the same time I can walk fairly fast in them compared to other stupid pants which restrain my legs LOL.
    LOL jello trucks XD hahah that is still so funny. Anyways, yeeess I LOVE purple and pink. I also like blue too, those 3 colors together look awesome. I have blue. hot pink, and purple skinny jeans as well!! ^-^
    lol what about a jello truck!? :O Im lost but hahahah nah I did it with Directions by Lariche. Its actually purple and hot-pink right now, color faded kinda fast so I had to make it darker.
    Hey there, I've been waiting for your response if you still want to proceed with the trade or not (I also need to calculate how much I'll be paying for postage and such), please do when you get the time, okay?
    Hello again.
    It's been quite some time since we completed our trade (When my username was olimar1023) and you still haven''t left a rep. Please do when you get the chance. :)
    I'll send the PM instead cause you seem busy... I am back on a desktop PC now... I type faster this way and multitask with tabs and such as compared to a 3DS... xD
    Hydro Cannon, Yep ):
    I asked about something like that, and it was more so the weight of the cards that was the issue. I don't think there is gonna be a cheap way to ship :\
    Hydro Cannon, One. I also have some more things you might be interested in, too:
    2x Zekrom-EX Promo
    1x Escavalier Nats Promo
    1x Zekrom FA
    Cool with me. Your trade thread says you want URs so would you do..

    Groudon-EX --English/Mint Condition
    Gengar Prime --English/Mint Condition
    Tornadus FA --English/Mint Condition
    Blissey Prime --English/Mint Condition
    2x Feraligatr Prime --English/Mint Condition
    + Bunches of Holo Throw Ins

    FA Cobalion Japanese
    Terrakion-EX Japanese

    Does that sound good?
    How much do you value:

    FA COBALION 69/66
    GIRATINA EX FA 53/50
    Terrakion EX 32/50
    Floatzel 14/50
    Ampharos 21/50

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