Hydro Cannon
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  • I'll tell you when I get them, I might be getting a Regice* in a couple of days. But IDK. I will get some soon enough though!.
    3 is all for now, because I can't get more packs in general. They are 5.50 each, so 17.50 shipped?BlastBurn,
    Well, I can do the base ones right now, but the Fossil may take a long time. Can we do the base ones right now, and Fossil later?

    Oh whoops, my bad. I can do the Thundurus for 4$ then, if its ok with you. Can you let me know exactly what you want and C/P the prices I gave to you before with the cards you want? Thanks

    Where can you get the holos for 1.50? I want some at that price, lol.

    Thundurus FA at 3$? Way too low for me, considering it's an FA.


    Ok, uhh, I cant really break up the COL shinys, so its either all or none, sorry.

    Uh, here are the individual values

    Alph- 4$
    Thundurus- 5$
    Articuno- 5$


    I have:

    FA Thundurus
    Alph Litho 4 (I have 3 of them)
    An almost complete set of COL Shinies (Just missing Entei and Groudon)
    And I also have a few Japanese Holos (Zekrom BW, Gardevoir Hail Blizzard, Lucario Hail Blizzard, Chandelure Hail Blizzard, Articuno Psycho Drive, Moltres Psycho Drive)
    Japanese Bianca Rotom Holo (From the musketeer decks)
    Cobalion Red Collection Holo
    Blaine's Arcanine JAP Holo
    Sandile Mcdonalds Promo JAP Holo
    Oshawott Mcdonalds Promo JAP Holo

    Haha, don't worry about it. I still have it on hold for you, so not like it's going anywhere :)
    BlastBurn, I have some very old figures from generation 1 and 2. Including a Typhlosion that "talks". As for plushies I have a Phanpy from the Pokemon Center that I grew attached to.
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