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  • Hatman, Thanks. Here it is:
    Would you mind staying for a second? I'm just uploading your finished avatar to Photobucket now and it'll only take a couple of mins.
    Please could you PM me your Blastzel decklist? I'm interested as to how you use it.
    Hatman, No problem. If you gave me the RGB code of the colour you want it in, then I can't go wrong.
    Yeah, it's 'hollow' but not transparent. In other words, it doesn't have the filled interior, but the lines are still solid.
    I can make the whole text solid if you want.
    Your avatar is complete. I've added your name as a watermark type thing, so that other people can't use it.
    JDM has probably disabled TNT on the average world.
    Anyway, got to go now. ;)
    Hatman, Ok. I'm not on my computer anymore. If you want to use what I've got until later, go ahead, but I don't have time tonight to do it, sorry.
    Professor Green said:
    I'm back,
    Like I never left,
    I'm here at your

    I'll get to work in a moment. What would you say is wrong with the head shape?
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