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  • Spongebob, my day has been fun too! I went out for a drive around town (in my car which threatened to stall on me at any moment, har har), and I went to GameStop to pick up a Nintendo 3DS as a birthday present. Because I might as well upgrade, and plus, it's got Link's Awakening DX. That's all I really want it for (jk).
    So, overall, great day! The minigames that come with 3DS are diabolically addicting.

    And why do you say mostly everything?
    It's not like some dumb heist or some silly hijacking job.
    YOU STOLE A BALLOON. on Free Balloon Day
    Spongebob, aww, thanks; how sweet of you! *hugs back*
    Do you have time to hop on chat or are you busy?
    Spongebob, You've been added. The more friends in my roster the more accomplished I can feel. xP

    Thank you! :3
    Spongebob, well, it's the best thing I could think of to describe you, based on what little I know. You're welcome!
    Spongebob, Alrighty then, if that's the case then you can find my 3DS friend code in both my profile and my signature. If you want to give me your's then you can just reply here or send me a PM if you don't want anyone else to see it.
    Spongebob, at least that's better than nothing! I'm glad to hear that.

    Also apparently there's a "poke a person" game where you poke someone, say a few good qualities about that person, and then pass it on.

    So; *poke*

    You have a rather upbeat demeanor and have a very optimistic view on life, so much that it spreads to others.
    Pass it on!
    Spongebob, do you intend to go shake them awake?

    And that sounds totally awesome! Do you know if your church is doing something special for Easter?
    *Pokes Spongebob*

    You believe in them ghosts and spirits stuff?

    Oh, I have a very unrelated question for you. Would you be interested in becoming 3DS buddies? :eek:
    Spongebob, as you're probably aware, today is Good Friday! Tonight I'll be going to a Good Friday service at my church, and then I'm going to get ready for a fun weekend at League and such.
    I like Easter week because I know it means my birthday is fast approaching.

    What are you doing for Good Friday and/or Easter?
    Howdy there! I was just wandering around looking at profiles and noticed yours! I also love Spongebob! But too bad I don't have cable anymore... Anyhow I read your biography stuff and I think all the quotes and stuff are funny. Have a nice day!
    *Afro-G pokes Spongebob right back*

    Ohai! Haven't talked to you much recently, my profile has missed you and your comments...

    Just read all of your most recent "School Day chronicles" by your request. Fun stuff. Good to know that someone out there actually enjoys school rather than complaining about it. =P
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