Keeper of Night
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  • Keeper of Night, Darling, you're in deep here. You're getting cheesy.
    I can't help ypu with the church bells, sadly; I can only tell you to give her time. If she's awkward as well, she'll definitely need some time to digest it, so you'll have to keep hearing bells for a while.
    Have in mind that timid people often would feel awkward talking about that sort of stuff, but at the same time, you can't push them. It's a catch-22 of sorts.
    Keeper of Night, Violence is never the answer.

    That said, the guy had it coming.
    But if I understand correctly: She doesn't have anyone else. You'll keep seeing her. She knows how you feel. And: she knows the kind of assholes going to that camp (if she's a smart girl, she'll keep her distance).

    That doesn't seem so bad; in time, she'll either feel the same as you, once she has time to process it, or she won't, and you can move on.

    Or not, and you'll stalk her until the end of days. Win-Win-Creepy
    Keeper of Night, How would I know? I never broke up with anyone, so...
    Did it hurt? stupid question.
    Was the police involved? doubtful.
    Was she your long-lost sister? weird.
    Was it in amicable terms? yes, this is the one.
    Keeper of Night, Yeah; what was all that about cake? you played portal or you were just hungry?

    Also shush, fennekin is adorable.
    Keeper of Night, Eww... Chespin.

    I didn't know you became a cohost too. Are you forfeiting from winning the challenge?
    Whoa, dude. You're a bit grim with that avatar and UT, bro. You need to talk about anything?
    I love Volt-Turn, your prediction has to be good for it though :)
    I friended you too but I have no idea what the buddy list actually does :S
    Keeper of Night, You screwed either myself, or yourself over. It depends on whether Celever gets last in this challenge.
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