Keeper of Night
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  • AV Donphan definitely doesn't have common counters :)
    Let me know if you come up with anything else, they'd be fun to try out :D
    Yours does exactly what it says on the tin and is really effective :)
    It was a really inspiring set, I've enjoyed using it. Got any others up your sleeve? :p

    Well, I've just hit 1600 but it's taken forever. I've only had a couple of losses, most of the wins have been 6-0 too. It's slower than it used to be :(
    Lol I hadn't actually got round to watching it yet so I didn't know :p
    Yeah, he prefers bulky attack with AV instead of using it as pure defense :p
    I don't see the point in using Donphan without Sturdy tbh, your set is annoying because it doesn't die when it should :p

    Do you know if they've changed the ratings on PS!? It's taking forever to go up.
    But you came up with a set before a guy who makes his living from uploading battle videos and movesets ;)
    Oooooh that could potentially see some use then :D
    That's the only hax there was lmao.

    Btw, BlameTruth uploads moveset set videos. He uploaded AV Donphan a couple of days ago :p
    Yeah, I was thinking Espeon but I am genuinely afraid of crits. I've lost Butterfree, Wartortle, Pikachu, Zigzagoon and Meditite to crits. Wartortle even had an Eviolite on it but I can't stand to lose Eevee too :(

    Is Chlorophyll legal with Defog?
    Well, if you recommend it I have no reason not to get it :p
    The gameplay looks way different but it looks quite fun and enjoyable :D

    I restarted my Y to do a Nuzlocke, I just got lucky and caught an Eevee. I'm afraid to use it in battle.
    Is that any good? I've had my eye on it since it came out but I'm undecided if it's specifically aimed at the children or not?
    I already had 1 curse up at that point. That's enough for uninvested Def to surpass even fully invested Sdef just bc the base stats are that freaking high for Megasaur's defenses.
    even offensive pory falls eventually :p I built this thing to last, even against most special attackers. 2 +2 Knock Offs kill offensive pory-2 before it can 4-6HKO while defensive just lasts longer while doing a ton less damage
    so how'd you like my Mega Curse-asaurus of inevitable doom? :p
    My own custom set and I can boast that it counters 90+% of the metagame after at least one turn. :D Ofc several others called it pure evil.... They're probably right too.
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