Keeper of Night
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  • That was before he officially made it PostBank, if the Native Clause is in effect though everyone of my battles is a win for the challenger.
    Yeah sure.
    Are you aware of the Native Clause restrictions on the Frontier. I thought it was being scrapped when Bank was released but it's still there:

    Native Clause
    - Only Pokemon found in the Kalos Regional Pokedex may be used.
    - A Pokemon may only use moves it learned in the Kalos region.
    Wow man, good effort :p
    Hopefully you won't get challenges today :p

    I just had the worst match of my life, nothing made sense. I also found out the team I was using had five Pokemon weak to Grass...
    Keeper of Night, I was serious about hosting it.

    Just not as serious as I would be if hosting this is a serious idea. Seriously.
    Awwww bloody hell.
    This depresses me, I don't like our odds of not battling each other in the semis :( I prefer brackets tbh, they're neater.
    I do have some things that I haven't played with yet so I wouldn't mind getting damage estimates and whatnot :)

    I'm not looking forward to my match against Eron, he used Sableye and Klefki last time we battled. My Tyranitar hit itself in confusion every time I tried to use a move until it killed itself... I was agitated to say the least.
    Well, in that case. Enjoy your trip to the final :D
    Good luck!
    I need to decide on a team now though...
    Tomorrow would be best if you wouldn't mind. I'm about to hop in bed.
    I'll be home from 6/7pm - midnight tomorrow if that's a good time for you.
    Do not lose to PMJ and I won't lose to PG24 (I hope!).
    I have no idea how good PG24 is, he is unsheathed and KG wanted him as an E4 member in the League so...
    It would suck so hard, out of the first eight people to register you are the only person I consider to be competition.

    With the exception of PG24, I have beaten the others with great ease. I'm going to ask PG24 to make sure the only chance you and I have of battling is in the finals.

    OMG, I really hope this doesn't happen. I registered after you so if he PG24 pairs us based on posts then we will be. It can't happen so soon!
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