Keeper of Night
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  • Oooooh what nature Tentacool have you bred and does it have Rapid Spin? :D

    I'm definitely going to bed now! lol
    Christ, you've been breeding much quicker than me :O

    I have half a box of competitive ready, I currently have nothing waiting to be EV'd. I can't decide who I want to breed next :(
    I thought that was the reason why, I'm feeling exactly the same so I completely understand :)

    You're welcome, you have my respect :)
    If you don't want to spend all weekend training new Pokemon I can send you that list to make your life easier :)

    I'm going to bed now though so if you do want it I'll send it when I get up.
    Done :) I'm trying to keep Jirachi high :p

    It's the spread I like to run most, Specs/Scarf Rotom is not for me :)
    You can take my teams whether they're dusty or not, don't doubt yourself :)

    None of the others I have ready have been play-tested on Wi-Fi but it looks good on paper :)
    I can PM you a list of everything I currently have if you want and you can borrow from the list for League battles if you want to? :)

    I need a Rotom-W, want a Sp.Def one though :D
    I haven't had many battles at all lately so they've been waiting in the Battle Box. I'm very comfortable with my team and I can potentially afford at least one mistake with the way it's set up :)

    I may use a different team next time we battle ;)
    I only won that by the skin of my teeth, I don't doubt for a second that next time is going to be even more intense than this time. :p

    I couldn't have asked for a more intense match to dust off my team :D
    I had to attempt the victory, if that hadn't of worked I would have lost on switch-in, so close man :p If you had won on triple Protect man, that would have been killer! :p

    Please do, you're making me more of a fan each time we battle and I have nothing but good things to say about your skills :D
    Hmmmm, maybe it would have been just as close :p

    I won by 16HP, that is all :O Your double Protect again and that Leech Seed I just didn't expect :p
    That's why I spent so long trying to burn you, it was the only faint glimmer of hope I had! :p
    If you'd done that dude, you would have won, no doubt about it. You just keep on improving,I'll definitely be keeping my eye on you ;)
    That joke was funny enough to justify being wrong. Fate/Stay Night! <3
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